The video above show the Offer Generator™ inside REIWebTools™. The Lite version we are including in Advanced Virtual Wholesaling For Cash Flow does everything including the following:
- Control Seller Motivation
- Control End Buyer Profit Margin
- Control and Protect your Minimum Assignment Fee
- Control repairs and closings costs to back out of the final offer!
- Control extra money left in your deal so you can fatten your assignment fee!
- Embedded Videos discussing the multiple offer scenarios
- RED, GREEN, YELLOW alerts output per offer!
- Print summary of all offers or just individual offers
- Output simple contract and download with price and terms filled in
- Output and download assignment fee contract
- ..and much more!

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Whether you are just starting out or you've been doing this awhile, Advanced Virtual Wholesaling For Cash Flow is a must for serious real estate investors who understand that the real money is made by multiple creative solutions...that all produce cash flow!